Dog Obedience Training

For many people, the first and most essential thing you are going to do with a new puppy is put it in dog obedience training. This training is going to teach them how they can respond in specific situations that they are more likely to come across at some point of their lives. However, some owners perhaps can’t afford dog obedience training or decide they will instead practice it themselves. So, here is a brief rundown of what you will get from this training that will help you determine if your dog would benefit from it.

The Benefits of Dog Obedience Training

To begin with, dogs in obedience training quickly learn how to respond to specific, properly delivered instructions. Which also indicates you will have to understand how you can give those directions. Many individuals overlook their end of this bargain in dog obedience training. They think the responsibility lies with their dog, not necessarily themselves. Think of dog training as a two way street and this will be way more productive. Here are some examples.

Leadership – With dog obedience training, you’ll find out how you can establish your dominance over the dog to show them that you are in charge at all times and that they will have to listen to you. If these types of habits are repeated at your residence, the dog may have a much easier time following your lead. Alpha leadership is the cornerstone of all good obedience training for dogs.

Simple Commands – Obedience training for dogs provides you with standard commands like sit, stay, heel, speak, and quiet – basics that makes your dog more respondent whenever it really matters. These four behaviors will make up the basis of everything you need to train them more tricks later on.

No Biting or Barking – A couple of the serious issues that a dog could have are biting and barking. Different levels of dog obedience training can handle these types of behaviors and ensure that your dog does not act out of line. Biting in particular needs to be dealt with at an early age.

Walking – Frustrated by having your dog pull you down the streets? In a good training program, you are going to figure out how to control your dog’s movements, keep them from running around on you and ideally train them to sit and heel when needed at corners and when other dogs walk by.

Dog obedience training is vital in lots of ways because it provides the foundation for all the issues that might arise at home. If your dog is under a year old or simply does not behave properly, consider a class to aid you in getting started.

Carrying it forward at Home

Without doubt, obedience training for dogs is simply the beginning. The dog could learn a variety of elementary tricks in the training, however, if you cannot carry forward what you’ve discovered back at home, good luck maintaining that control. You’ll want to be consistent, show your dog that you’re in charge every time and be sure everyone in the household also can follow along with whatever you’ve taught your dog in training.

Be aware that your dog is only going to do what it is taught to do. You should be consistent, reassuring and effective at maintaining this commands you give. The moment you start waffling or forgetting to reassert your commands, your dog will start to revert to the initial behaviors which you worked so hard to train them out of.

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