Dog Training Solutions To Stop Dog Aggression.

Aggression is as natural to a dog as howling.Some dogs are raised specifically for their aggressive tendencies. If your pet is bred to hunt, kill or guard fiercely, you won’t be able to change or eliminate that behavior regardless of efforts. Obviously, a crucial first step toward having a happy, gentle house pet is to bring home one of an amiable breed.

Have a look at this article on Dog Training Boston .

Understanding The Causes Of Dog Aggression.

Generally gentle dogs are forced to be aggressive by certain circumstnces. Focusing on the cause of dog aggression is the key to dealing with it. Read on for situations that unleash a dog’s aggressive tendencies:

1. Pain. This does not require a lenghty discussion. Someone in pain would normally lash out. In the case of dogs, even the mildest pain can cause them to be aggressive. It’s an instinctive reaction to want to take yourself away from what makes the pain intense. For example, if your dog has been run over by a car, feeling for broken bones can be excruciating for your dog and would likely make him bite from pain.

2. Fear. New situations, enivironment, places and even people stir fear in your dog. Their natural tendency for self-preservation can turn a calm dog into a wild beast. Dogs who display unfounded aggression toward others, including people, lack appropriate social skills. Sheltered dogs see new people or animals as threats.

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3. Territorial Instinct. Dogs guard their onwers, homes, toys, puppies – whatever they consider their own from perceived threats. It’s instinct to them. Anyone and anything a dog cares for, he protects with all he has. This isn’t the problematic type of aggression as most owners want their dogs to protect them and their property.

4. Dominance. Dogs vying for the leadership of a pack exhibit this type of aggression. This is often displayed by dogs who want to lead by nature.Sensing a leadership weakness, dogs instinctively vie to fill the role. When it’s up for grabs, they would fight for the top position. For the cohesiveness of the pack and survival of the species, this is essential. Dominance aggression is nature’s way of helping the pack organize with authority.

Strategies To Keep Control.

With this understanding, don’t you feel more capable to tackle dog aggression?

When your dog is in obvious pain, help him feel more comfortable; he won’t think about biting if you help him. Convey clearly to your dog that you and every person in the family are higher-ranking members of the pack. Demonstrating this authority line early on ensures your dog obeys you and respects everyone in the family. If your dog’s aggression is clearly borne of unfounded fear, help him resolve the fear.

Pain is probably the easiest trigger to address. To curb fear and dominance aggression, dogs must be trained to socialize and have a clear leader. The best step is to begin as soon as you bring your new pet home. When dealing with aggression in adult dogs, don’t be unwilling to consult professionals.

For more information on dog aggression, check this page on Ways To Stop Dog Aggression.

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