Facts about Yellow Labs

Want to adopt a cute little puppy? A yellow lab puppy could be your best option. With their soulful eyes looking straight at you, you are sure to fall in love with it the moment you see them. It does not matter if you buy the yellow lab puppy from a pet store or a home breeder as long as you know what the yellow lab puppy will be like once it matures.
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It’s true that there can be instances where the yellow lab puppy could have come from a pet mill. Once you are sure that is has been treated well and has not come from such a place, you could do a bit of research on its breed.
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The yellow lab puppy will usually have a lifespan of around 12 to 14 years. Some lucky ones can even go up to 19. Getting a dog means that you are required to give it a lifetime commitment. Dogs are man’s best friend. Therefore, you need to take good care of it.
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Overall you will find that a yellow lab puppy can turn out to be very happy dogs if they are looked after well by their owners. They can adjust well to new surroundings and are very much playful with both children and adults. When the yellow lap puppy matures into a fully grown dog, they may need a lot of space to live and run around as they are quite big in size.

Sometimes having too many pets in the same household can become a problem, especially when trying to bring in another new pet. If you are about to adopt a yellow lab puppy, you need not have to worry over such minor issues because they can adjust themselves quickly to their surroundings.

If you are an owner of a yellow lab puppy, you’d notice how intelligent they are. Did you know that yellow lab dogs were used to take care of disabled people? Because of their high intelligence level, many institutions today use them for this purpose.

Exercise should become a part of their daily routine. Being overfed and not getting enough exercise can result in the yellow lab puppy getting sick easily.

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