Cat Furniture Could Save Your Sanity (And Your Nose!)

If you are like most people, you hate having a litter box in your house. They have a nasty smell that stinks up your house and are often in plain view. Does that sound familiar? If so, why not think about hiding your cat’s litter tray with unique cat litter furniture?

We’ve all seen the bog-standard cat perch and scratching post, but why not treat your kitty (and your nose!) to a well-built cat condo with a built-in ground-floor cubby that’s works as terrific litter box housing? You can find a variety of cat furniture online, some include fuzzy balls that dangle from string or wire, carpeted inner housing for those frequent cat naps, as well as several hidden catnip stations to get your cat feisty for playtime! Those are just a few of the many different types of accessories you can find on cat furniture.

You may also find a piece of cat furniture known as a “bookcase climber,” which is a large piece of furniture with “step-like” segments that lead to hidden cubby-holes, sleeping areas, and play stations. While these can be great if you have quite a lot of room to spare, it can be overbearing if you don’t have a lot of room. If you don’t have a lot of space for kitty accommodation, you can look in to pet stairs, which come in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles. Some come with built-in compartments that are just wonderful for storage. You can find them in high-end fashionable wood, accentuated with molding, or standard carpeting.

A litter robot is something you may or may not have heard of before. It’s a practical solution to the burden of cat littler. It’s a ball-shaped, self-cleaning litter component. The litter is placed on the inside of the dome where a small entry hole leads to. Your cat has privacy while doing his business, and then the litter robot simply sifts through the soiled litter and deposits the waste into a plastic bag, which you can remove and dispose of at your leisure. It’s a very resourceful machine that can easily hide the musky litter-box smell and makes litter-box management much easier for the faint-of-heart.

Cat furniture is probably sounding more and more up your alley! You can find any of the previously mentioned cat furniture items online, and some may be available at a pet store near you. Those of you with dogs mustn’t forget them, either! You can find a huge assortment of dog stairs online. You can have your dog steps custom-built or simply purchase a pre-built model, which come in many colors and finish, including luxury wood or carpet, and even some with accenting molding!

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