Archive for Birds

How to Pick the Right Cockatiel Birdcage

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

It’s not always easy to choose the right type of birdcage for your cockatiel, especially if you’ve never owned one for the birds. There are some specific things that cocktatiels need in order to live happily. Below I am providing you with 5 tips to choosing the right cockatiel bird cage.

1. Give Your Cockatiel the Spacing Needs – When you are looking for any cockatiel birdcage, you need to make sure that has the right amount of space for the bird to move around. Your little bird has to have plenty of room to stretch and flap its wings. You also need to consider the height of the cages you don’t want your cockatiels tail to  drag on the floor or get hung up on anything.

2. Cage Size – When you’re trying to determine how big of a cage you should get, you need to take into account all of the items that you have inside the cage as well. you need to think that you’re going to have perches and toys, as well as food and water dishes in the cage so this needs to go into your decision-making as well.

3. The Distance Between the Bars – You must make sure that the bars are close enough together that the cockatiel  cannot get its head through them. As a standard the spacing shouldn’t be any more than 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch.

4. How the Bars Are Laid out – In order to ensure that your bird can get around the cage well, you need to make sure that the cage has bars that run vertically as well as horizontally. This is an absolute must for cockatiel you don’t want to buy a cage doesn’t have verticle bars on it.

5. Easy to Clean – Having a cage that is easy to maintain and keep clean is really important, not only for the bird but for you as well. Make sure that the cage that you buy has a removable plastic tray at the bottom. This removable tray will make it  less of a chore for you to clean the cage, so you’d be more apt to do it on a regular basis, which would be healthier for the bird.

If you use the steps in your decision-making process for buying a cockatiel birdcage, you won’t go wrong with your purchase. Besides these simple tips there are a lot of different shapes and styles of cockatiel birdcages and in the end it will boil down to what you like, and what you can afford.

If you want to check out some really cool listings of what a proper cockatiel birdcage is then please take the time and visit


Choose Any of These Parrots for Best Training Results

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

You will be happy if you choose a parrot as a pet. We are endlessly entertained when they are taught how to sing and talk. These birds can live from 60 to 100 years. Thus, your friendship will be extremely long, even lifelong. We have selected here the 3 main types of parrots you will want to train. If you are interested in any other type then please get our parrot training newsletter and know it all.

African Grey

These parrots are medium sized and are usually of a greyish colour. Sometimes they have a red tail and red wings along with their grey bodies. These parrots are the best of all parrots in speech. They can speak a variety of words and can imitate any sound with equal dexterity. However it can never be guaranteed that the Grey you choose will talk no matter what. Grey's can display no signs of talking. These generally scream a lot so need lots of play time to keep them happy. Once you make friends, the bird will be the most loyal pet you could ever hope for.


These parrots are small sized and have very big tails attached to their bodies. They come in many colours and are extremely intelligent. They are amazing beasts who take joy in having fun. They can be quick learners and good to train. It require patience to teach these parrots how to speak. The down side of having a prrot like this is that you need to spend a large amount of time with them, its best for people who stay home a lot.

This is because they need several hours of training every day to learn how to socialize, not bite the owner and correct behavioural defects. These birds like to screech a lot. Give them a lot of attention to prevent this.


These parrots have been known to survive for about more than fifty years and knowing this you should be ready for a long relation with your bird. Get a big cage because this is a big parrot. Make sure you get this parrot a wide cage. Give this parrot plenty of time outside of its cage to get used to its area.

This parrots has a strong beak and bites everytihng. Therefore you have to be careful they don't destroy your furniture. Toys are needed in order to keep this parrot happy.

Remember parrot training is important, never neglect your parrot or you could end up with parrot behaviour problems.

The Basics of Bird Aviaries

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

You will need to have the correct housing if you choose to keep your birds in the home.The lifetime of the bird will be greatly impacted by what size and type of aviary you buy.
I would reccommend a large aviary. The birds want to climb, stretch and play so it’s essential there is adequate space for the parrot to do this inside rather than it just sitting on a perch placed inside the bird aviary.
The bird aviary will need horizontal bars. Which will make it easier for the bird to hold onto the sides of the aviary when climbing. Ensure the space between each bar should also be checked so that the bird will not injure itself during this activity.
An inexpensive bird aviary may not always be what you want or the best. The material used in constructing the bird aviary may not be of good quality and may also pose as a danger for the parrot. I
Standard bird aviaries have doors and latches. People who choose to acquire a parrot should avoid using this as it can cause injury to the animals beak, head, neck or wing. Detacable ones have been proven to be safer for your bird.
The birds can build up a lot of waste. Ideally the bird aviary will have a pull out tray at the bottom for ease of cleaning. You will find this easier than going inside to clean the bird aviary of droppings, which will take a long time to clean.
Thebird aviary should have a specified area where the bowl will be placed. Manufacturers sometimes supply plates otherwise you will need to buy them individually. It is easier to use a removable one because this needs to be cleaned twice a day before and after feeding.
To make it easier for your bird at feeding time make sure the birds perch is near the food plate.
Having a pet big or small is an big responsibility. You and your parrot should have a safe bird aviary for many years.

Selecting strong heated fountain bird bath for your outdoor living area

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

Wild birds are naturally attracted to the sound of running water in your yard. A fountain or spay birdbath can give your bird the water they need for drinking and bathing. You can have clean drinking water available throughout the year with a heated birdbath. Wild birds can struggle to find clean water during the cold winter months. 
by providing clean fresh water during the long winter you can help the birds thrive. You get the additional bonus of being able to watch your feathered friends during the winter. Heated bird baths should not be put right next to your bird feeder. Bathing birds can be distracted by the noise coming from a feeder. Installing your heated birdbath under some branches will improve its safety. This will provide the birds an easy escape if a prowling cat should happen to be near. 
A battery or solar powered heated birdbath can be placed just about anywhere in the garden. With an electric powered heated birdbath it will need to be put close to an outlet. There are many advantages to having a heated birdbath or fountain bird bath. A concrete or marble heated birdbath will be more durable than one without a heater installed. A cold winter can lead to constant freezing and melting of water in the birdbath which can lead to cracks or leaks in concrete or marble. Having a heated birdbath will prevent this process.
Heated birdbaths can be found in several designs from many different materials. The most popular materials used for heated birdbaths include iron, concrete, marble, plastic, and copper. Copper makes an excellent addition to just about any garden, especially if you have other copper ornaments. The water bowl of a birdbath should not be greater than three inches deep and have a rough bottom.

Some Important Advice For Purchasing a Rustic Wood Birdhouse

Friday, May 29th, 2009

You can improve the look of your yard by adding a beautiful rustic birdhouse. Having a family of birds take up residence in your yard is a great pleasure. It is a treat to watch the bird’s activities as the new birds grow and learn. Buying a rustic wooden birdhouse will give you all the enjoyment of having a birdhouse as well as make a design statement. There are a wide variety of styles of rustic birdhouses for sale. You will find them at regular stores as well as online retailers. Buying your rustic birdhouse online lets you look at many retailers without leaving the comfort of your home.

Online retailers will almost always have pictures so you can have an idea of how the birdhouse looks. It is a good idea to know all the measurements for the birdhouse whether you are selecting one from an online store or your local garden center. You also want to ensure that the wood used will give you reliable performance when exposed to weather. Looks should not be the only criteria you use to select a birdhouse.

There are other things that will be just as important as looks, such as the measurements of the birdhouse. To prevent the birds from overheating you will need a rustic birdhouse with sufficient ventilation. The birdhouse should also have a good drainage system so that it quickly drying in wet conditions. You do not want to subject the birds to a wet home.

Look for a rustic birdhouse which will give you an opportunity to clean and peak in. You want the entrance hole to be the proper size for the type of birds you are hoping to attract. Different types of birds will require different size entrance holes. There are many different types of rustic birdhouses on the market. Find the one that you love and buy it today.

Taking A Look At Birding

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

bird watching destination

Anyone can get involved in birding. Also known as bird watching in most areas, this activity is open to people of all experience levels and physical abilities. For many, birding represents an opportunity to be outside, to enjoy nature, and to enjoy the company of people who have similar interests. Still others find a sense of accomplishment by being involved in something that is pro-actively encouraging the preservation of our planet.

Beginners, or those new to birding, will find that more experienced and knowledgeable bird watchers are more than eager and willing to pass on whatever skills and methods that they may have acquired themselves. Bird watchers do not tend to be a selfish bunch and are quite happy to see everyone enjoying the day. The accessibility of the activity often surprises those who are just developing an interest in birding. One can have some great bird watching experiences right in his or her own back yard!

The importance of veteran leadership in the local chapters of birding clubs cannot be overstated. It is these statesmen and women of birding who must carry the torch for future generations of bird watching enthusiasts. Their passion must be replicated and they must be willing to share and to teach.

Ultimately, this necessary relationship between rookie and veteran bird watchers is vital to the continued growth of the movement. There is much more at stake than just recruiting new folks to join us in going to a bird watching destination. Driving the very core of the conservation movement that protects the habitats where the birds nest, feed, and live is people who have a passion for birdiing. In order for this passion to stay alive, and thus conservation efforts, there must be an ever growing and on going relationship between those who know and those who wish to learn.

The birds stand to gain the most out of these relationships that exist within the bird watch community. Ultimately, this must be about more than just us and our own passions and hobbies. It must be about the protection of habitat and the preservation of the things in this world that are beautiful.

The bird watching clubs must make preservation their first priority. Without diligent work in this area, the habitats that hold the birds are in danger. The generations of bird watchers that follow will have significantly less habitat to work in, and to marvel at, if the work of conservation is not done now. It cannot be left for later.