How to Pick the Right Cockatiel Birdcage
Thursday, June 4th, 2009It’s not always easy to choose the right type of birdcage for your cockatiel, especially if you’ve never owned one for the birds. There are some specific things that cocktatiels need in order to live happily. Below I am providing you with 5 tips to choosing the right cockatiel bird cage.
1. Give Your Cockatiel the Spacing Needs – When you are looking for any cockatiel birdcage, you need to make sure that has the right amount of space for the bird to move around. Your little bird has to have plenty of room to stretch and flap its wings. You also need to consider the height of the cages you don’t want your cockatiels tail to drag on the floor or get hung up on anything.
2. Cage Size – When you’re trying to determine how big of a cage you should get, you need to take into account all of the items that you have inside the cage as well. you need to think that you’re going to have perches and toys, as well as food and water dishes in the cage so this needs to go into your decision-making as well.
3. The Distance Between the Bars – You must make sure that the bars are close enough together that the cockatiel cannot get its head through them. As a standard the spacing shouldn’t be any more than 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch.
4. How the Bars Are Laid out – In order to ensure that your bird can get around the cage well, you need to make sure that the cage has bars that run vertically as well as horizontally. This is an absolute must for cockatiel you don’t want to buy a cage doesn’t have verticle bars on it.
5. Easy to Clean – Having a cage that is easy to maintain and keep clean is really important, not only for the bird but for you as well. Make sure that the cage that you buy has a removable plastic tray at the bottom. This removable tray will make it less of a chore for you to clean the cage, so you’d be more apt to do it on a regular basis, which would be healthier for the bird.
If you use the steps in your decision-making process for buying a cockatiel birdcage, you won’t go wrong with your purchase. Besides these simple tips there are a lot of different shapes and styles of cockatiel birdcages and in the end it will boil down to what you like, and what you can afford.
If you want to check out some really cool listings of what a proper cockatiel birdcage is then please take the time and visit