Selecting strong heated fountain bird bath for your outdoor living area

Wild birds are naturally attracted to the sound of running water in your yard. A fountain or spay birdbath can give your bird the water they need for drinking and bathing. You can have clean drinking water available throughout the year with a heated birdbath. Wild birds can struggle to find clean water during the cold winter months. 
by providing clean fresh water during the long winter you can help the birds thrive. You get the additional bonus of being able to watch your feathered friends during the winter. Heated bird baths should not be put right next to your bird feeder. Bathing birds can be distracted by the noise coming from a feeder. Installing your heated birdbath under some branches will improve its safety. This will provide the birds an easy escape if a prowling cat should happen to be near. 
A battery or solar powered heated birdbath can be placed just about anywhere in the garden. With an electric powered heated birdbath it will need to be put close to an outlet. There are many advantages to having a heated birdbath or fountain bird bath. A concrete or marble heated birdbath will be more durable than one without a heater installed. A cold winter can lead to constant freezing and melting of water in the birdbath which can lead to cracks or leaks in concrete or marble. Having a heated birdbath will prevent this process.
Heated birdbaths can be found in several designs from many different materials. The most popular materials used for heated birdbaths include iron, concrete, marble, plastic, and copper. Copper makes an excellent addition to just about any garden, especially if you have other copper ornaments. The water bowl of a birdbath should not be greater than three inches deep and have a rough bottom.

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