Archive for Birds

Some Foods To Not Give A Parrot

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

The number 1 food that you should deffinitely avoid is Avocado. Avocado is known to be harmful for all birds, as it causes liver damage. Do not just avoid feeding your parrot Avocado fruit. Avoid giving him access to the trees, to the branches, and to the leaves as well.

Your parrot will enjoy all of the other fruits. However , fruits that have pits should have the pits removed first, and fruits that have seeds should have the seeds removed. All fruits should be washed well “and even scrubbed, and then cut into little pieces for your parrot to enjoy at his leisure. If possible, always go with organic fruits.

While many owners rigorously wash all vegetables and fruit before giving them to their parrots, they frequently don’t consider possible insecticide contamination from fruit tree branches placed inside parrot cages. These branches should additionally be scrubbed before adding them to a cage. Not only do you have to stress about insecticides, but you need to also stress about parasites and bugs. Cleaning and then baking the branches, in a 200 degree stove, for about an hour or so will solve that problem.

Salt is another food that you should be careful about. Unlike avocados, your parrot doesn’t have to avoid salt. You don’t need to purchase a salt block for your parrot. As an alternative get him a mineral block, and just let him to get his salt from the fruits that he enjoys.

While most parrots enjoy dairy foods, they do not easily digest them. Therefore , any dairy food should be given in small quantities, and not quite often. Milk nonetheless , is best left off the menu.

While fruits, veg, nuts, and seeds are ideal for parrots, you should avoid giving them any kind of fast foods that are made for human consumption. This doesn’t mean that you cannot ever give your parrot human food treats, just make sure that it’s a rare treat, and a very small amount.

Ultimately, just as you and I have food allergies, your parrot may also have food sensitivities. If you detect that he’s having respiratory difficulties or runny eyes after eating a new food, you need to look for advice from your vet, where blood tests can be performed to determine where an allergic reaction to the food exists.

Visit the authors website to learn more about pet birds, whether its chicken bumblefoot you want to learn about or trying to find advice on bird cages, its the place to be.

Bay of Fundy: Home to Over 360 Species of Birds!

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Well over 360 species of birds have been spotted across the Bay of Fundy region, including such endangered wildlife like the peregrine falcon and the piping plover. The Bay of Fundy is a preferred destination for many birdwatchers, particularly during migration season, because of its convenient location along the Atlantic Flyway. It is calculated that between two and three million birds migrate along the Atlantic Flyway each year; 75% of them stop in the Fundy region, making it the most vital stopping point along all of the Eastern seaboard.

Mary’s Point Bird Sanctuary – situated along the Fundy shores in Albert County, New Brunswick between Fundy National Park and the popular Hopewell Rocks – is one of the best spots along the Bay for viewing shorebirds, particularly the semipalmated sandpiper.

Many thousands of semipalmated sandpipers land in Fundy every summer as part of their migration from their Arctic breeding zones to their winter home of South America. Why the Bay of Fundy? Well, quite simply they come here to get fat. The birds follow the tide line as it advances and recedes. At high tide the sandpipers roost but as the Fundy tide recedes, these little birds race from one hole to the next. Using sight and their comparatively long bills, each sandpiper devours between 9600-23000 mud shrimp every single tide cycle. During their stay in the Bay of Fundy region, the sandpipers will double their weight of about 20 grams so as to increase their fat reserves to complete the remaining 4000km of their migration, non stop!

In addition to Mary’s Point, these sandpipers have shown a stong liking for Grande-Anse, Starrs Point and Evangeline Beach. The first semipalmated sandpipers generally will not arrive in Fundy till mid-July.

Another favorite bird sighting in Fundy area is the Atlantic Puffin. Spotted nearer the mouth of the Bay, Machias Seal Island is the seasonal home to not only nesting puffins but also nesting arctic and common terns and razorbills. Access to this tiny island is limited and landing is done at one’s own risk as the terrain can be quite slippery and uneven. The sanctuary is guarded by the Canadian Wildlife Service.

Now you know why the Bay of Fundy is a great area for bird watchers. And while you’re there, you also get to see the world famous Bay of Fundy tides!

The Active Zebra Finch

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

The Zebra finch is a sensible choice for a new bird pet owner because they are one of the best birds to have as pets and breed if you choose to do that.

As well as being one of the easiest cage birds, Zebra finches are low cost hardy, stunning, contented and active with a usual life of 7-10 years.

With their happy disposition and social nature, you experience them active and busy singing and flying around their cages. They do well with other birds due to their social behavior and the cage should be big enough so they can fly without any toys in their way.

In their natural habitat they were most frequently found in grassy or brush lands, open areas, pastures or fields and are commonly referred to as a hardy species of grass finch.

The Zebra finch comes in many sorts of colors and patterns which makes it fun to pick out and put together.

The chest of the male finch has black and white stripes and that is felt to be how they received their identity. The male Zebra finch also has orange-ish or chestnut sides with white spots. Customarily they have red/orange beaks and legs, a white belly, grey wings and upper body, a patch on their cheeks and a tear drop shaped marking under the eyes, which can sometimes be tan, brown, fawn or orange.

Females have the same upper body and wings that are gray, with a white belly. Their beaks and legs aren’t as brilliant in color as the males. The females also have a tear drop under their eyes, except for the females spots are black.

Some of the other kinds of Zebra Finches are the Lightback, the Black Breasted, Orange Breasted, Pied, Flanked White, Chestnut, Black Cheek. And Fawn.

Zebra Finches make great fun to care for birds and are a fun experience to observe because of their social interplay with the other birds in the cage and their happy dispositions.

Definitely a pet to look at when you’re at the pet shop looking next time.

Marjorie J McDonald has created a great book concerning how to pick out and look after your finches as your new pets. Caring for Finches is easy to do with this information about how to be a better Finch parent.

Social Behavior And The Society Finch

Thursday, September 8th, 2011

In the finch world there is only one sort of finch that’s so sociable that they have been given the name Society Finches. With their nature, they have to be kept in a group so they have the interaction from the other finches.

Often Society Finches are busy-bodies and wish to interrupt those locally that seem to want more privacy during the time when in breeding. This does not reflect aggressive behavior on their part just their nature.

They make great additions to your pet family because of their social activity and behavior and are fun to observe. They are friendly, have an excellent easy going manner are easy to look after and usually not terribly pricey to buy.

While folks are often not actually sure of the origins of this finch, it is generally believed to be about 300 years ago and frequently documented that breeders from Japan And China started this line of finches.

Usually customarily pure white, fawn and white or chocolate and white and when full grown in the range of 4 1/4 to 4 3/4 inches long. Each and every one of this finch family is unique in their appearance. Now and then you will find tri-colored finches, crested finches as well as one colored finches all as part of the Society Finch family. Lots of variety to pick from which makes it more fun.

You’ll need to give them fresh food and fresh water each and every day. They usually like finch seed mix which is typically available. In a different cup they also like chickweed and spinach. To give them the trace minerals they need , you can scatter grit on the base of the cage or put it in another container in the cage. Occasional special gifts for them are choices like egg foods, apples, pears, special mixes of seeds, honey fruits and some kinds of veg.

An additional item they need in their food selections is calcium. This is often provided in items called cuttlebone which also gives them lime for their digestion. The advantages of this nutritional addition are your finch will have a stronger beak, strong eggshells if you choose to breed them and this also prevents egg binding in the female finch.

The most common reasons a Society Finch gets sick is if they’re given a poor diet, if their cage is not kept clean or they could have been somewhere that was drafty and got chilled. All of these things can be forestalled by a good nutritious diet, a warm environment that is kept clean and the size cage that may allow for them to get activity with room for them to fly around the cage.

They love to have baths so provide them with a shallow container of water or give them a bath house so then they can get to it inside their cage.

All of these things really make a contribution to a cheerful healthy Society Finch and many hours of enjoyment for you as their finch parent.

Marjorie J McDonald has published a great book on how to pick out and take care of your finches as your new pets. Selecting and caring for your finches will add a lot to your life.

Have A Cage For Your Finch That Is Its Castle

Monday, September 5th, 2011

Finches make amusing pets because they have so much character. They are fun to observe because of how animated and typically appear very contented. So they have frequently been on my short list of categories of pets I’d like to have and always want to .

As a result of their amount of activity, the size of their cage becomes one of the most vital parts of having this interesting pet. You know how you feel when your own residence appears to feel cramped and cluttered. Your finch buddy feels the same way so plan for a minimum of two and a half feet in length size. Longer if feasible since the finch gets their regular exercise by flying.

Who knew finches need exercise just like I need exercise. I should walk or jog nonetheless , to get in my laps as we used to call them in track and field classes. We had to do so many laps before our exercise session was finished.

For your finch they require short flights so have the cage and the arrangement of the things in the cage, feeders, swings, water, or perches prepared so they have those open, uncluttered places where they can fly.

Imagine if your track was crammed with hurdles, it’d be intense for you to run so do not stress your finch by arranging things in its way. Your finch will reward you by continuing to be active and healthy.

Where I live yearly they had the scheduled road-race and each year it increases in variety of runners. One of my chums ran but prepared in advance by being hydrated well the day before and the morning of the race. She knew she would not experience any of agony while running but declared many around her were griping. While they were getting water along the race course, it would have been easier on them to have hydrated before the race started.

You finch must be well hydrated too so be sure you put fresh dishes of food and water and monitor them closely so your feathered friend doesn’t run out of either but especially the water.

Finches like to have a place to perch. Provide numerous sizes so your finches feet can also be exercised. If you didn’t have any physical issues just exercised your arms, your legs would be actually cranky with you. While your finch does not get cranky you should provide the items it has to remain healthy. Many finch owners will not take superb care of their finches so I would like to admonish you to think through all of the things which will
encourage your finch to be and remain extra well cared for and healthy.

Some perches which do extra duty are cement perches which keep your finches toenails trimmed, but if this is the sole type you provide it can be difficult of the finches feet over a long period of time.

Natural perches from branches of trees or bushes are a nice change for your finches feet and actually straightforward to find in your neighborhood. Utilise a bird protector disk to keep mites from traveling in on the branches or being brought in to your finches cage.

Your finch loves toys in the cage to play with so choose a few toys at a time and swap them out on occasion to give your finch variety. Some ideas might be swings, ladders, beads and mirrors.

Another added critical thing about your fiches cage is to keep it clean. A once-a-week schedule will help you stay on track with this job. An additional cage to move your finches to while you are cleaning is a great idea and will help both owner and your finches.

Tools and supplies for cleaning the finches cage are:
hot, soapy water
rinse water
disposable hand towels, newspaper or brown paper bags for the bottom of the cage for easier cleanup

Use to clean the cage and all of the accessories you have in the cage. Let everything dry thouroughly.

When everything is dry you can begin to bring your finches back to their clean home or castle and your fun with them can continue as their enjoyment of a clean home continues too. We like to be refreshed.

Speaking of being refreshed, put a tiny shallow dish of water for them to take a bath in several times a week. I know when I finish my exercises I would like a shower so your finches need to wash be clean too.

And there you have it, your finch now can have a castle in your castle. I guessI I could end by adding, one perch for humor sake and you can or could then both live happily for ever.

Marjorie J McDonald has published finch tips and a guide to determining the insider secrets to choosing and taking care of your finch so they’re satisfied, healthy and an exciting part of your family.

New Plan Of Bird Cages

Sunday, September 4th, 2011

Bird cages are need not mere for the birdfeeders or the hobbyists but also for the birds covered therein as they ascertain jam-packed safekeeping to them from all potential dangers. Concerning the Bird Cages die-demanding hobby to domesticate birds at your habitat, you must plan to have a variety of enhancing bird cages. The imperative argument all-around these cages is that they are built with every constituent round watch around birds at the same time as they also enhance the artistic appearances of a room. undoubtedly, the new decorative bird cages are so aesthetically adorable and delightful for any lodgings that around instance of having no birds around it can gain the eye of any tourist and please him/her willingly!

The range of bird cages that you can opt from are almost perpetual now, ranging from uncomplicated to elaborate and trouble-free or designer to the very lavish. There are Decorative Bird Cages stunning and productive in a good way as ornamental bird cages that will enhance both wildlife and grace to your yard or lead court. Besides having a bird cage for your bird, a birdbath and often birdhouse will supply a balanced usage. A capably-premeditated birdcage well keeps cats and other ferocious creatures away from your pet birds and countless of these pet-genial items can be discovered on specialty or round hobby books on all sides of bird feeders. After the whole thing, upholding cats, squirrels and other animals from buying at your bird diet is an prospect you will need to understand more about while you enhance your hobby whilst the birds and bird meal will naturally draw these animals. However, the explanations are usually unadorned and Bird Cages for sale trouble free to detect round books suitably as on subject.   
From attractive to different looking, the present bird cages come round assorted a number of varieties that can be noticed online through subject producer. as purchasing them, your decisions should be on the configuration and amount along the appearances. in line with a recent examination, the near full-size birdcages are not for the contained birds while they are produced to form them think harassed and restless which eventually cause factor other mental medicinal inconveniences to them. Therefore, the producers want to model the insertions shaped want a box or those having corners and angles on every part. Concerning the worth worth, it differs depending on the facet and the mechanizing organization. Again, certify that you buy the cage from a important online storehouse


Buy A Bird Cage As A Gift For Your Bird Loving Friend

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Bird lovers are always in need of cages for their feathery friends. Therefore, if you are looking so as to gift something a choice of to your partner who has a inclination of opting for out Bird Cage feathery belongings every month to keep them as pets at dwelling, granting him/her a bird cage can be a wonderful subject.

What in order to fa�ade for while getting bird cages as offerings:

The first factor you must fa�ade out for in this condition is the dimension of the Bird Cages conditional on the version of birds your partner keeps. If she has a design of birds as pets at home it may be a reasonable scheme to ask her if she needs a particular size in order to put back one of her offered cages. If you crave you can always offer her more than one cage for total her birds. However, in take so as to arrange the price of such an elaborate give can be easier if you establish to compensate it in a consignments of associates who draw in meet shares of the whole expenditure.

Bird cages for auction can be a elevated means to come to a logical money while getting bird cages for your soul mate. form online for possible backyard sales or pet shops that are rendering a cut rate on bird cages that you may like to buy.

The next factor you must worry about while obtaining a bird cage is the pattern and method. nearly everyone bird keepers are particular about the shape of cage they fancy for their feathery pals. nearly all cages have a metallic body. However, the floor flooring of the cage can be wooden and solid or have metal nets. several of the cages also have detachable bases to the cage for even clean-up aptitude.

presently, Decorative Bird Cages come in want designs and colors. You can have various module in order to keep a variety of species of birds that are removed by panels within the cage. Others like to have more than one cage for their bird species. some of them can be placed on the window while others can be hung from hooks mode the ceiling.

preserving these cages can be a mission. Therefore, you may also souvenir your companion several clean-up agents and brushes that can be used so as to wipe the cage you have given in order to her. Bird food along with the cage can also be a considerable complementary souvenir.

Finding The Right Type Of Parrot Food

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

If you are the owner of an exotic bird, you will definitely want to check out what the several food alternatives are. As you may already be aware, you’ll find a great a lot of sites that provide parrots food for your perusal. Having got that out of the way, you’ll want to be sure that whatever food you do give your bird, it really is correctly formulated for its needs. All in all, it really is inside the finest interest should you and your pet to learn as a lot as you can with regard to parrots food just before making a acquire choice.

Websites like supply a entire range of parrots food which is best for your pet. However, you have to ensure that it’s the right food for your pet. You see the main thing that you simply need to be concerned about is that food is positive to be distinct from one assortment of bird to one more. Whilst you might be having a parrot, the truth of the matter is that cockatoo parrots might have various wants. Thinking about this train of thought, it really is always very best that you simply get hold of the viewpoint of a vet.

An additional intriguing way it is possible to realize what sort of parrots food is excellent would be to engage with other pet owners. This would also allow you to gather what other web sites are excellent in relation to choosing parrots food. As a rule of thumb you may note that parrots are usually into fruits and nuts additionally to insects too. Because they are nicely removed from their natural habitat, there needs to be the perfect parrots food, which would provide them the proper mix of vitamins, fiber and minerals. All in all, make certain that whatever brand you purchase is really a brand which is nicely recognized and recommended by other owners also.

You can find enough and much more items like Caribbean Bounty Food and Fiesta Parrot Food, that are recognized to be leading sellers with regards to parrots food. However even though these types of v might be appropriate for the vast majority of birds, you’ll want to see whether it is still suitable or your pet. This is why it truly is greatest that you gather all the finest guidance from a trusted vet. This way you might have an assurance which you cannot deny at any point in time.

Last but not least, you’ll want to see what the price is when it comes to purchasing parrots food. The truth of the matter is that you will find seasonal discounts that are on offer when buying parrots food. However, what you should be cautious of is whether these discounts are given due to the truth that the expiry date is close at hand.

Article by Rick Lordi who’s a personal financial expert. Check out his other contribution on personal credit and financial plan today.

The Most Common Kinds Of Exotic Birds Are Parrots

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Parrots, which are 1 of the most common forms of exotic birds is the name given to approximately 372 species in 86 genera. Frequent characteristics of parrots contain a powerful curved beak, an upright stance and zygodactyls feet. This means that each foot of the parrot has four toes; two pointing forwards and two pointing backwards.

A parrot’s usual diet plan consists of plant material including seeds, nuts and fruits. Even so in specific instances the pet sellers recommend special diets based on the bird. Therefore when an individual purchases a parrot it becomes critical to have a clear overall thought of the bird’s requirements.

Parrots are a sort of species which are emotionally and intellectually advanced. Due to this taking care of an exotic parrot demands a specific amount of effort. One of the widely utilized strategies to keep a parrot pleased is by such as toys in the cage.

Toys for parrots come in several colors, shapes and designs. The purpose of having toys for parrots is mainly to keep their mind challenged. This may also maintain their beaks busy whilst also entertaining them.

Toys for parrots typically come as a hanging and colorful item. So that it is attractive colors and moving nature grabs the attention of the bird. Furthermore items like play stands and foot toys are also generally sold. Buying toys for parrots should be completed suitably. Contemplating the size of the bird before buying the toy is crucial since it would establish if the bird can actually play with the item.

Safety is among the key elements regarded as when a manufacturer produces toys for parrots. Ensuring that the materials are correctly sanitized and using non toxic raw material are two such precautionary safety elements. Regardless of these safety precautions, no toy carries 100% safety. Ensuring that the parrot doesn’t swallow non food items, trimming ropes and cords so that the parrot does not get entangled are a few of the aspects that are within the control of the pet owner.

Toys for parrots could be purchased at a reasonable cost. There are numerous websites that give detailed details on toys for parrots. Some of these sites also provide customer testimonials. Reading such testimonials will assist the parrot owner to choose essentially the most appropriate toy for their bird. Specific sites also give the facility of contacting them for parrot toy related queries and recommendations. For that reason with adequate quantity of research along with some external assistance buying toys for parrots becomes a less tricky task.

Toys for parrots aren’t just a boredom killer to the bird, but also an entertainment to the bird owner to watch their parrot play. For that reason buying such toys for parrots will guarantee that the parrot remains healthy in mind at the same time as body.

Article by Sylvester Marc who’s a personal financial expert. Check out his other contribution on financial services planning and corporate financial planning today.

Amazon Grey Parrots – Information On The Most Liked Parrot Around

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Amazons pet parrots are probably some of the funniest birds you are going to meet. They simply love making thier owners laugh, and will commonly mimic a laugh every time they do something they believe ought to be funny. Their ability to mimic just about everything inside their surroundings will be an endless source of enjoyment for guests. A lot of Amazons usually are tricksters, letting a person think the telephone will be ringing or the fire alarm system is going off, simply to get a good laugh.This is one of many reasons why Amazon Grey Parrots are so beloved.

Their shorter and squat frame makes them demand much less cage space than many of the other wild birds.Amazon wild birds originate from warm and moist tropical areas for example Southern and Central America, Mexico along with the Caribbean. Approximately twenty seven species of Amazons, which is an unusually large parrot family. Only about a dozen of them are held as pets in the United States.

These wild birds are known because of their mesmerizing green color, Amazons Parrots tend to be praised by clients for their highlighting colors which might depend on the species and can be quite brilliant. Such birds are proven to be a great domestic pet bird as long as it gets lots of attention. They will mainly feast upon plant seeds, nuts, as well as fruits which are formulated by leafy matter. Most of these Amazons Pet parrots will also be sociable in the wild, thus you are going to enjoy having fun along with them.This is why the africangreyparrot can turn out to be the best choice you can ever make when looking for a pet.

By the later 1800’s and beginning 20th century, seashore bridging started to be less costly and more frequent. All kinds of men and women, from mariners and also innkeepers to regular and skilled folks, were being in the position to keep Amazons and other larger pet parrots. Green Amazon Wild birds as well as Grey birds had become the rage. Such wild birds were being showcased around parlors as well as spots of social gathering. Amazon Parrots became much more famous in the states compared to Europe because they were far more easily obtainable right here. This was because of the topographical origins and a shared Mexican border, which inturn offered an effortless access route for importation.

African Grey pet parrots are a lot of fun, but only if their dietary needs, their social needs as well as their housing requirements are shown the due care by their nurturing proprietors. Get pleasure from teaching him or her to speak and watch them carry out these tricks which you teach them, they on their own will do all this and more when you give them interest as well as the toys and games to play with. African Grey wild birds have been categorized alongside the most intelligent animal species.

It has been scientifically shown that these particular pet birds have the capability to associate human terms with meanings. In addition to that, but they’re equally capable to use subjective ideas like number, shape, and coloration, carrying out intellectual tasks at the identical levels observed in chimpanzees and dolphins.

So we can say that these amazons parrots might be your best choice if you’re looking for a good parrot for you and your family.