Some Foods To Not Give A Parrot
Sunday, October 23rd, 2011The number 1 food that you should deffinitely avoid is Avocado. Avocado is known to be harmful for all birds, as it causes liver damage. Do not just avoid feeding your parrot Avocado fruit. Avoid giving him access to the trees, to the branches, and to the leaves as well.
Your parrot will enjoy all of the other fruits. However , fruits that have pits should have the pits removed first, and fruits that have seeds should have the seeds removed. All fruits should be washed well “and even scrubbed, and then cut into little pieces for your parrot to enjoy at his leisure. If possible, always go with organic fruits.
While many owners rigorously wash all vegetables and fruit before giving them to their parrots, they frequently don’t consider possible insecticide contamination from fruit tree branches placed inside parrot cages. These branches should additionally be scrubbed before adding them to a cage. Not only do you have to stress about insecticides, but you need to also stress about parasites and bugs. Cleaning and then baking the branches, in a 200 degree stove, for about an hour or so will solve that problem.
Salt is another food that you should be careful about. Unlike avocados, your parrot doesn’t have to avoid salt. You don’t need to purchase a salt block for your parrot. As an alternative get him a mineral block, and just let him to get his salt from the fruits that he enjoys.
While most parrots enjoy dairy foods, they do not easily digest them. Therefore , any dairy food should be given in small quantities, and not quite often. Milk nonetheless , is best left off the menu.
While fruits, veg, nuts, and seeds are ideal for parrots, you should avoid giving them any kind of fast foods that are made for human consumption. This doesn’t mean that you cannot ever give your parrot human food treats, just make sure that it’s a rare treat, and a very small amount.
Ultimately, just as you and I have food allergies, your parrot may also have food sensitivities. If you detect that he’s having respiratory difficulties or runny eyes after eating a new food, you need to look for advice from your vet, where blood tests can be performed to determine where an allergic reaction to the food exists.
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