The Active Zebra Finch

The Zebra finch is a sensible choice for a new bird pet owner because they are one of the best birds to have as pets and breed if you choose to do that.

As well as being one of the easiest cage birds, Zebra finches are low cost hardy, stunning, contented and active with a usual life of 7-10 years.

With their happy disposition and social nature, you experience them active and busy singing and flying around their cages. They do well with other birds due to their social behavior and the cage should be big enough so they can fly without any toys in their way.

In their natural habitat they were most frequently found in grassy or brush lands, open areas, pastures or fields and are commonly referred to as a hardy species of grass finch.

The Zebra finch comes in many sorts of colors and patterns which makes it fun to pick out and put together.

The chest of the male finch has black and white stripes and that is felt to be how they received their identity. The male Zebra finch also has orange-ish or chestnut sides with white spots. Customarily they have red/orange beaks and legs, a white belly, grey wings and upper body, a patch on their cheeks and a tear drop shaped marking under the eyes, which can sometimes be tan, brown, fawn or orange.

Females have the same upper body and wings that are gray, with a white belly. Their beaks and legs aren’t as brilliant in color as the males. The females also have a tear drop under their eyes, except for the females spots are black.

Some of the other kinds of Zebra Finches are the Lightback, the Black Breasted, Orange Breasted, Pied, Flanked White, Chestnut, Black Cheek. And Fawn.

Zebra Finches make great fun to care for birds and are a fun experience to observe because of their social interplay with the other birds in the cage and their happy dispositions.

Definitely a pet to look at when you’re at the pet shop looking next time.

Marjorie J McDonald has created a great book concerning how to pick out and look after your finches as your new pets. Caring for Finches is easy to do with this information about how to be a better Finch parent.

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