Fascinating Information – Honduran Milk Snake
Tuesday, September 21st, 2010The Honduran King Snake is a well-liked tri-colored snake, regularly bred in captivity which makes it a perfect breed to have as a pet. Obviously as with any other reptile there are things you must always consider and check when deciding to take your new snake home.
Due to their often tiny size, even in adulthood and compared to other types of the breed, the Honduran King snake is more subject to escaping from enclosures, and so you must ensure that however you house your new pet, you must ensure there are no cracks or holes the snake can get thru. These snakes are escape artists, and if there’s even a touch of a way out, they’re going to find it.
There are some widely known bearded dragon diseases, and they can include Agamid Adenovirus, Mites, Terminal Ingestion, Impaction, Calcium Deficiency, Breathing Infections, Dehydration, Stomatitis, Coccidia, Parasites and Metabolic Bone Illness. Now this definitely sounds a lot when reading it like this, but again, with great care and habitat, most or all these things can be evaded.
Most bearded dragons are healthy reptiles. They’re a hardy breed and can live for ten years or longer, and even the very best care, bearded dragon diseases can strike at any point. By knowing the local reptile vet in your neighborhood, you can avoid a lot of the start of sickness before it becomes too significant. There also are genetic bearded dragon diseases that they are born with. These can happen in the offspring of adults that could be firmly related.
Infrequently these genetic diseases can involve misshapen limbs, tails and in some rarer cases, additional members.
Calcium and Vitamin D3 inadequacies could cause fits, or stunted expansion, poor bone expansion and other deformities.
However these bearded dragon diseases can be evaded by having acceptable lighting, and introducing diet additions into the diet.
There also are Beta carotene inadequacies which could cause the coloration of your dragon to steadily fade. This is particularly clear in really brightly coloured dragons. By including carrots and orange/yellow plants in the diet, this problem should right itself. If you are at any stage worried that your dragon could be affected by something outside your control or recognition, see your vet as quickly as possible.
In natural habitats the Honduran king snake is present in low to moderate elevations in Nicaragua, North Eastern Costa Rica, and also the Caribbean slope Honduras. They are going to live anywhere that supplies the comfort and protection that they want and will probably be found under rocks, logs and in crevices underground. They again, come out at night to do their hunting.
In captivity there are is a vast variety of substrates to use on the base of your enclosure. Aspen slices, Rodent bedding, or perhaps paper can be employed to keep the snake warm, clean and dry. They are going to eat pretty much anything that you put in front of them including warm blooded prey like rodents and birds, cold blooded prey like lizards and frogs, and always recall that they may also eat other snakes
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