Children And Guinea Pigs Just Go Together

Small animals make wonderful pets for small children. There are some delightful small animals that are cute and cuddly and make great pets. Some consider a cat or a dog to be a good child’s pet, but I differ.

And they pose some risks. For example that have been many instances of young children being attacked by their own pet dog.

One of my favourite animals that makes a perfect pet for young children is a guinea pig. My own daughter has her favourite pet piggie and loves him, along with some other pets.

They have some huge advantages as a pet. They rarely live much longer than around 5 years, so you won’t be looking after the guinea pig after the kids have left home. They are cheap to buy, usually under $20, they are cheap to feed and don’t get sick as often as other animals. They are warm and furry and like company and will happily sit on your child’s lap in the evening being petted.

Although a guinea pig is a small and a quite cheap pet there are still some things you need to think about before you buy one. The first of these is how you will house him.

Generally guinea pigs live in what is normally called a guinea pig hutch or a guinea pig cage. Guinea pig hutches or cages are normally kept outside and are often built from timber and wire, though metal is useful and easy to clean.

It should have a dedicated sleeping area where he can sleep free from the risks of bad weather and snuggle inside his own sleeping area. It should have an outdoors area where he is protected from predators but can run around doing what they do like eating the grass.

It’s better to avoid using wire on the floor of a guinea pig hutch as guinea pigs do not like walking on wire and can also get a foot condition called bumble foot which can be quite serious.

Most guinea pig cages that you buy in pet shops are too small for the purpose. It’s quite easy to make your own guinea pig cage and it’s not expensive to do so. If you are making your own make sure you make it as large as you possibly can so that your guinea pig has lots of room to play and to exercise.

Guinea pigs are is not hard to feed although like all animals you need to learn about what they should and should not eat. They need hay which is good for roughage and will eat a range of fresh green leaves from vegetables as well as fruits like pears and apples. Avoid lettuce and cabbage. They love grass.

You need to understand that once you buy one, (or more), guinea pigs you are committing to cleaning out their guinea pig cage  regularly, as young children will rarely do this do this well. And you also need to ensure that he is regularly groomed to keep his hair in good condition and free of knots. This of course is part of the fun.

A small, soft and furry guinea pig makes a wonderful pet for the children as long as you house him properly and feed him well.

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