Contemplating Gum Disease and What it Means to You, Personally.

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Periodontal disease is also known as periodontitus. It is a disease which affects the connective tissues that support your teeth. It can cause progressive bone loss. This in turn can ultimately lead to the loss of your teeth. Bacteria growth which has gone undisturbed is the underlying cause of this disease. It typically exists between your teeth. It can also exist along the line of your gums. Many have found the hydrofloss to be helpful

When the disease is allowed to get severe, it can cause your teeth to first loosen and then fall out. Of course, this only happens if the disease is left untreated. It is uncommon for this disease to get that severe. However, in about half of the population of the United States who are over the age of thirty, milder forms of it do occur. Home ozonator are another device that some individuals have found useful. You can oxygenate water with these and use the oxygenated water as a mouthwash.

Typically, people who have had gingivitis at any point in time get the disease more frequently. As many of you know, gingivitis is a gum disease which causes the gums to become inflamed. However, it is not the only cause or risk factor. Smoking can cause this disease as well. It can be inherited. If diabetes is not managed, it can also lead to periodontitus. One last item that you may find useful is oramd. Some people believe that the essential oils are helpful.

Hard deposits, known as bacterial plaque, will begin to form. They are the result of microorganisms which are allowed to grow and build up. These deposits, if they are not disturbed or treated, can lead to dental calculus.

There are several symptoms associated with this disease. They include swelling, bleeding gums, redness, halitosis, and places between your teeth where the bones have already begun to shrink. During the latter stages, teeth will become loose and may fall out.

Thus far, taking preventative measures is the best way to cure this disease. You need to brush your teeth twice a day. You need to floss your teeth. You need to use antibacterial mouthwash. Finally, you need to see your dentist regularly for check ups and to get your teeth cleaned.

Author: Scott W.

Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only and does not intend to advise, diagnose or treat any health issue, illness or disease.If you have a health problem or think you might have one, contact your doctor for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about any products in this article.


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