Archive for October, 2009

Hire Cars Need to be Valeted

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

Since when did car hire firms allow animals to be carried in their vehicles? I’ve just returned a hire car that was full of dog hair and smelled more like a kennel. Don’t misunderstand me. I really love animals but I don’t like having their fur all over my business suits. My family has a […]

Measurements and Numbers for Chicken Coop Designs

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

If you are a backyard chicken farmer, you may be thinking of designing your own chicken coop after looking at all the different chicken coop designs on the Internet. This can be easy enough to do, but there are a few basic measurements to keep in mind when coming up with your own chicken coop […]

What About That Laser Gum Surgery?

Saturday, October 3rd, 2009

gingivitis Surgery of any kind is not something to look forward to. It can be unpleasant, not to mention painful and nerve wracking. One type of surgery that a lot of people put off having is surgery for diseased gum tissue as it can be very painful for some time after. Thanks to the latest […]

Dog and Cat Meds: How to Decide on the Best?

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

During the times your dog or cat needs to take vet prescribed medication you may have to confront choices like which medicine suits your pet better, fluid or powder? Commercial or holistic? Making the right choice can be critical to your pet’s health, and sometimes you have to consider many factors and not only just […]

Things To Think About When Building A Chicken Coop

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Building your very own custom-made chicken coop is a very rewarding and fun project. Not only is raising a fun group of chickens very rewarding, but if you construct your own coop you’ll be able to tailor-make it to the specific needs of your methods and space. If you’ve got the right designs and guidance […]

Gum Graft? – How To Tell….

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

dental health The question “How do you know if you need a gum graft?” is often asked by people who meet a dentist in a social setting or at some function or another with some frequency. This is a bit surprising, considering how most people not only don’t want to see a dentist but how […]