Dog and Cat Meds: How to Decide on the Best?

During the times your dog or cat needs to take vet prescribed medication you may have to confront choices like which medicine suits your pet better, fluid or powder? Commercial or holistic? Making the right choice can be critical to your pet’s health, and sometimes you have to consider many factors and not only just what your vet recommends.

Factors to think about:

The vet does not prescribe harmful medications for your pet, but most cat or dog meds inevitably have some problematic issues.It is a good idea to ask the vet the optimal duration of the medication necessary for the best result for your pet.To avoid any side effects from vet-prescribed medications, give your vet full disclosure about the allergies your pet may have towards certain medications, as well as any existing treatment your animal is undertaking.When using the prescribed medication given by the vet be sure that the product you are using is the most effective for that particular condition and is not costly.Keep these medications out of reach of children, and please be careful regarding any reactions which may take place.

What pet meds suit you best?

Since you will be administering the dog drugs, a good question to ask is, “What works for me?” Are you available to administer dog medication every four hours, or do you need something longer-lasting? Are you comfortable administering a pill, or would you rather the vet gave your dog an injection? The easier the dog medication is to administer, the greater the chance that your dog will get it on schedule, and for the full course of the medication. And that benefits you, and your dog.

What pet medication to go with:

The best dog or cat medicine for your pet is the one which has least and less serious side effects, is most effective and long lasting, and impacts your pocket the least.It should be safe to administer and cost effective, but always consult your vet regarding the breed, sex and age of your pet before any giving any medication.There are many different ways to go, however, as you can decide between different brands or whether or not to go with a natural or holistic remedy instead of a commercial one.Remember that not all medications are effective for all pets all of the time. If you try a new medication and it seems not to be working, or are using a familiar drug but noticing no effect, consult your local vet and consider a different one.

Advice on safety:

Always read and follow pet meds label instructions to ensure your pet gets the right dosage to avoid side effects and get the best result.Ask the vet about suitable medication according to the age and breed of your pet. Under no circumstances should you give cat treatment to a dog or visa versa!Holistic medication has sometimes been proven to be effective without serious side effects for certain ailments and is therefore a realistic alternative to commercial products in some cases.Before administering any organic or natural home remedies or holistic medication, it is always a good idea to consult your vet to avoid any potential side effects. Cats in particular are susceptible to adverse reactions from herbs.

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