Degu Pet Health Care

Generally little known in the UK, degus are rodents originating in Chile which are increasingly being kept as pets. Often likened to keeping mice or chinchillas, the pet health care responsibilities of keeping a degu are relatively simple provided the owner does their research and is prepared to make a commitment for the duration of the degu’s life.

As with any animal, pet health care means providing a suitable home. For degus this means a decent sized cage equipped with a water bowl or bottle and a food bowl. Find a quiet spot for the cage which isn’t in the sun or a draught.

For bedding, paper based cat litter is perfect and hay and shredded paper should be available for burrowing and sleeping. Pet health care problems can arise through lack of regular cleaning, so clean once a week at least.

Carrots, cucumbers and other hard veg are perfect for degus. Avoid sugary foods because they could lead to diabetes. Make sure clean water is readily available. The degus’ teeth constantly grow so must be worn down. Orange teeth mean a healthy degu: yellow or white suggest a potentially serious pet health care problem.

Handling your pet might be a concern for beginners. As long as you take care to be gentle handling shouldn’t be a problem. When picking them up do it from underneath them with a great deal of care. Reaching for them from above may make them think you are a ‘predator.’ And if you try to pick them up by their tail you could be in for a surprise. Degus’ tails will fall off if they are grabbed there. And it doesn’t regrow. If this does happen, talk to a vet.

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