Five Maltese Training Tips

If you are a maltese owner or was once a maltese owner, probably you can attest that maltese training is not only challenging but can be frustrating as well. Imagine training a playful and lively dog with penchant for his master’s love and attention. It helps to have that great strength to be able to refuse those expressive eyes and sweet whimpers otherwise you won’t be able to correct him if the situation entails it. Additionally, you also need to be familiar with the most important training advice to ensure that you will be getting your desired training outcome. Take note of every advice mentioned:

1. Find out more about the breed.
Before you bring home a maltese, assess first the physical characteristics and personality traits to find out if this breed is indeed best for you. Additionally, knowing this information can also help you determine what maltese training approach is best for this breed based on physical, mental and behavioral factors.

2. Do not set your expectations too high.
Training isn’t a one-time process nor can be achieved in a single day. It’s a continuous process that may take days, even months and a few disappointing instances before you are able to finally see results. Never expect your pet to learn a certain command in one session so as to avoid frustrations.

3. Tackle one lesson at a time.
If you’re currently teaching your dog how to sit, concentrate on that command until he has mastered it. Introducing the down command while you’re still working on the sit will only confuse him and put your maltese training effort in vain.

4. Never use punishment as a training tactic.
Due to frustrations, one can be tempted to attack his four-legged friend at times. But hard as it is, you need to bear in mind that physical punishment will only worsen the situation. Instead, use positive reinforcement like treats and praise during training. Rewarding him for doing something you consider appropriate will help encourage him to repeat that behavior he is being rewarded for.

5. Stay consistent.
Dogs are smart animals but they only see things in black and white. You have to be specific as to what you’d like them to do to prevent confusion. Like for example if you’re training him not to jump, it’s important that you enforce the rule despite of the situation. Allowing him to jump when you have your everyday clothes on while scolding him when he does the same if you are dressed for an event will only confuse him. Also, all members of the family and other people who might interact with your dog should be strict in implementing the rule too.

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