Grooming Your Pet Rabbit

Just like cats, rabbits pride themselves on cleanliness.They can spend several hours a day keeping grooming themselves, maintaining the quality of their skin and coat.But please don’t think that grooming is something you do not have to help with as an owner.Understand that rabbit care is crucial and like all pets they place a trust in their proprietors to set a care plan and then stick to it.

Brushing your rabbits furn is important and this should be a daily duty.Dont think of this as a chore, as your rabbit will really enjoy it and the closeness will help the rabbit bond with you.The health advantages of brushing your pet rabbit include the removal of any dead hairs that your rabbit might otherwise swallow.Hairballs are a common problem in rabbits and they struggle to digest excessive levels of fur, so brushing really is the ideal way of avoiding this.Fur balls often need to be removed at some expense by a vet, so the simple task of brushing every day not only benefits your rabbit but also saves you money.Rabbits tend to shed their old fur every three months, and at times of high fur loss increase the brushing slightly. You will be amazed to see how much fur they can actually shed!
Rabbits have very sensitive skin so search for a brush that has soft bristles and wont tear your pet bunnies skin. Some rabbit owners like a plastic wide toothed comb for their grooming.There is no escaping the fact that a well groomed rabbit is adorable.Many owners see brushing as a chore, but this is not responsible pet ownership. Do all you can to brush your rabbit on a daily basis.If your rabbit has very long hair you can take it to a grooming salon to get it trimmed to around one inch in length.A shorter coat of fur will reduce the risk of matting and it will be much easier to keep your rabbit clean.

If you have never trimmed a rabbit’s long hair before, you may wish to take your rabbit to an expert pet groomer and watch how it’s done before you try it yourself. When employing the clippers or scissors, be very cautious that you don’t damage the rabbits skin.If you do spot an area of matted hair don’t rush for the scissors just yet. Try combing it out first.A patch of matted hair is often really close to the skin of the rabbit, so if you really cannot remove it by brushing please speak with your vet or go to a specialist grooming centre.
Rabbits can suffer from excessive nail growth so keep your eye on them.Occasionally you need to get your rabbits nails trimmed.A very or grooming professional should carry out this task as it can be easy to cut the rabbit or break the nails.

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