Guinea Pig – Why You Should Choose The Guinea Pig As Your Pet

If you opt for a small pet such as a rabbit or guinea pig is good since they’re cheap to maintain and to entertain. A few toys and they are happy.

If you’re going to just get a guinea pig, sex doesn’t matter too much. By nature, female guinea pigs are going to be more docile and less active, while their male counterparts are going to have more energy and need more exercise.

But in case you want to breed guinea pig animals you need to have a big room with huge cages an you must have enough time to take care of them, also money to spend in them and the knowledge to treat them very good to maintain them happy. There are lots of alternatives for guinea pig bedding. If you’re new caring for cavies, then there are many things you have to know about proper guinea pig care .

The best thing you can do is to give your cobayas hard food to chew on: carrots and other hard vegetables, chew firewood or blocks, or even tree brushwood.

In case you notice that your cobayas teeth are becoming too sharp, then its important to take him to a vet and get them trimmed down. Never try to lower guinea’s pig teeth yourself! Your vet must have the correct tools and knowledge to sleek the teeth to a typical piece and maintain them happy.

El origen de las cobayas is from los Andes, in the indians zone of Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador and they were the famous pet in South America until 1960. In this year, the foreigners that went to this territories started to buy or trade them to the indians and become a popular animal in the whole world.


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