How To Know If The Dog Is Pregnant

It is not uncommon for dog owners to treat the pet as a member of the family. As such, the adorable bundles of fur that will be produced by the pet will be truly loved by the family. Although ancestors of dogs have reproduced even without the intervention of man, modern day dogs seem to need all the help from its human family. The basic needs of the pet that include foods, shelter and health care will be provided by the dog owner. Pet parent will therefore provide the pregnant pet with all the necessary care.

A dog owner that has planned the breeding of the pet would eagerly await the arrival of the puppies and would not be surprised at the physical and behavioral changes noticed in the pet. However, it is not uncommon for these pets to slip unnoticed by the owners to meet the neighbor’s dog. Unplanned breeding can result to pregnancy. Would you know if puppies are growing inside your Fifi’s womb? What are the signs of dog pregnancy?

Dogs have the reputation for being very energetic animals. Dogs are as well noted for being voracious eaters. Pregnant dogs will be noticed to have no interest in eating and to be less active and lively. Pregnant dogs, just like pregnant humans may lose appetite and tend to be less active thus the pet parent would worry that the dog is sick.

When the dog is a few weeks into its pregnancy, the love for food and the usual active self will return. The physical changes in the dog will now start to be seen. The dog will gain weight; the teats will increase in size, be erect and turn pinkish in color. The most noticeable change will be in the abdomen and mammary gland as both will increase in size. Enlarged abdomen will be seen in obese dogs too but the abdomen of these dogs will be soft to the touch. Pregnant dogs on the other hand, would have firm and rather hard abdomens because of the presence of the growing puppies.

Behavioral changes will be noticed in the pet too. The pregnant pet may be more loving to its favorite people and may demand constant attention. Pregnancy may cause a dog to turn away from the care and attention of the family. A pregnant dog that is already manifesting the protective instinct towards its puppies can develop an aggressive behavior especially when the due date is near. A drop in the dog’s temperature and milk secreting from the nipples are sure signs that the owner is about to be gifted by the pet cuddly bundles of fur.

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