How To Shop For A Bark Collar
Dogs can be so cute, but they can also be the source of so much noise – all that barking. You could have a small toy dog or a Labrador, but the constant barking is a problem for both dog owner and neighbor alike. It can get worse when you own several dogs who all bark incessantly. The doggy woe list goes on. But there is a solution. A bark collar can get the job done?
How a No-Bark Collar Works
You first have to be aware of the three types of deterrent systems available: spray, ultrasonic, and static. When your dog barks, it triggers the collar into letting out a spray, an ultrasonic sound humans can’t hear (but which dogs can), or a perfectly safe low-voltage static shock. Don’t worry, each of these systems do not harm your dog. Training your dog to bark less and less comes in the form of learned association – between the barking and the stimuli. As time goes by your dog gets trained to minimize if not completely stop his barking.
Settling for the Right Kind of Collar
Dogs come in many sizes, so do the collars – small, medium, and large. You want a collar that’s as close to snug-fit as possible, with room for adjustment. Since the device on the collar is a small box, it would be awkward for a small dog to be fit with a collar meant for a St. Bernard. Get the small one if your dog is small, medium if medium, and so on.
The collar that’s worth the money
Dogs can get rowdy playing with other dogs, or just by plain paying around. That means there’s big chance your dog can ruin his collar’s device by bumping it around, or soaking it wet. Incidentally, your dog might turn the knobs and buttons on the device, if they are badly made, by his movements. You also have a problem if the device, which triggers on the sound of your dog’s barking, can’t tell if the sound’s source is a dog or a loud, passing truck. That last item can mean a bad purchase, since your dog will not be associating the stimulus exclusively with his barking.
Get a reliable collar
Keep these features in mind when you shop, to save yourself time and effort in returning a product that doesn’t work. One recommended item that fits all these criteria is the bark collar.