Make Sure Your Pet Has Been Vaccinated

Ark Vets Week 1 August

Many pet owners choose not to have their pets vaccinated or fail to bring them back to the vet for booster injections. Cost is often an issue.
Pets can pick up really nasty and sometimes fatal diseases, but a simple vaccination can prevent this from happening. But good vets understand the importance of keeping your pet vaccinated and some are offering a reduction in cost for primary vaccine courses during the entire month of August. If you would like to find out more just click here.

Why should I vaccinate my pet?

Annual vaccinations are essential in providing your pet with protection against diseases. We will happily provide you with vaccination guidelines to help you provide the best preventative healthcare for your pet, whether it is a new puppy, an older rescue cat or simply the fact that you know your pets annual boosters are not up to date.

Why is it important to vaccinate my puppy or kitten?

Your young pet needs to be vaccinated against core diseases (for cats this is Panleukopenia, Feline Viral Respiratory Disease Complex and Rabies; and for dogs it is DHLPP – Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvovirus and Parainfluenza) at between 7 and 12 weeks.  They might also need other vaccinations dependent on their breed and lifestyle, which we can advise you on when you bring your pet in for their vaccinations. For example, if your dog will be socialising with lots of other dogs or staying in boarding kennels, it will benefit from the kennel cough vaccination.  Young pets do not have strong immune systems so a small illness can quickly become life threatening.  Vaccination will help prevent this from happening.

Should I vaccinate my older pets?

Depending on their lifestyle, your pet may need an annual booster injection as they get older to provide the necessary immunity. This booster strengthens their immune systems and provides full protection from disease, however, it is important to discuss this with your vet to ensure that it meets the individual needs of your pet.

So, to ensure the best animal care London is particularly well serviced by good veterinary practices that will be pleased to advice you.

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