Pet Airways?

You would not of bet a penny on someone coming up with this business idea. Pet Airways specialise in transportation for pets. By the end of the year the business wants to be recognised on a world wide scale.

This is quite a large aspiration but I think that this may catch on. Of course, I might be absolutely crazy but they seem to be attacking a real niche market with this business idea.
Experts are worried that putting animals under that kind of strain will cause an increase heart disorders. Pet airways have already announced that there will be an on board animal cardiology vet to take care of any flight trouble. Considering that high altitude could affect the health of the animals it is very crucial to consider every possibility.

Currently Pet Airways only serves New York, Washington, Chicago, Denver and LA. The price for one ticket is only £91 which is a very competitive rate to beat by any other American airline.

Pet Airways offers a very different service than anything else you have seen before. Dogs and cats will fly in the main cabin of a freight plane that has been re-arranged and lined with carriers in place of seats. The animals, up to 50 at a time will be escorted to the plane by attendants who will check them every 15 minutes during the flight to make sure they are ok. Local animal hospitals from around the area have been in support over the idea to take animals in the sky by plane and think it is a great idea.

Pet Airways are looking to add more flights onto their schedule as soon as possible. Within the next year, Binder hopes to develop over 25 desitinations onto their current roster.

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