Pro Ears Electronic Hearing Protection

If you’re an experienced hunter, you’ve likely learned that hearing is both key to a successful hunt and must be protected during gunfire.  Electronic hearing protection is the answer to both those needs.  It can both protect your ears from gunfire’s loud noise as well as enhance your hearing in the field.

You might have heard of electronic hearing protection made by ProEars. You’ll find that choosing the right one isn’t hard at all. 

Pro Ears Hearing Protection: Advantage Stalker Plus

Called the Advantage Stalker Plus, this device will kill the sound of shotguns and rifles for your protection, but still allow necessary low level sounds to come through. This device works to keep sounds above 70 decibels from coming through, which can damage your ability to hear. Because you and your hunting dog still need to hear for safety while hunting, you can amplify soft sounds to come through at up to 70 decibels.  

Independent volume controls allow you to focus in on sounds and can even help if you are hard of hearing.  Pro Ears Hearing Protection Advantage Stalker Plus also offers a five year warranty making it one of the best devices on the market.

Pro Ears Hearing Protection: ProMag Gold

ProMag Gold is ideal if you are planning on shooting at a practice range, or in any closed environment.  While not ideal for range hunting, this hearing protection device is ideal for practicing skeet shooting or for practice at indoor ranges of all kinds.  When noise levels drop below 33 decibels the ProMag Gold allows radio, CD, cassettes, and other sounds to be piped in.  This hearing protection device is perfect for those who spend most of their shooting time out of the field.  

Pro Ear Hearing Protection: Predator 200

For high quality electronic hearing protection that muffles lound noises and amplifies low level noises, you should consider the Predator 200. Not only is it very comfortably, but it’s convenient, effective, and affordable. This hearing protection device will protect your hearing against blasts from shotguns but still allow low level sounds that are necessary when you’re hunting.    


As a reputable and respected name, ProEars offers a complete line of protective hearing devices in all price points to suit your budget and needs. No matter what your needs are, you’ll be able to find a suitable model to protect your hearing while hunting. 

Not only are hunting supplies for yourself important, but so is supplies for your dog. Some of the most popular models of dog training collars include: SportDOG 800 and Dogtra 3500NCP Super X.

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