Secrets Of Effective Chicken Coops

Before building chicken coops, it is important to keep a few things in mind. First off, give your chickens some room. More room to spread their wings makes them feel comfortable and, well, normal. Since stress will adversely affect their tendency to lay eggs, make sure your chickens are happy and comfortable.

Giving them open space also encourages your chickens to utilize their natural pecking instinct to find food. You can further encourage this behavior by tossing a handful or two of feed on the ground in the morning.

Hen chickens like security and comfort, so be certain your nesting box provides both. There is no one right way to build a nesting box; they change to suit local needs. Just be sure there is enough space for all your chickens. While some chickens are comfortable sharing a nest, there are always those who need their own private space. All hens will search out the most secluded, quiet and secure place to lay their eggs, so keep the nesting space away from the food area.

The best nest is made out of straw. Hay can be a good substitute and, for mature chickens, even some sawdust will do. Beware of wood chips, though. Chicks sometimes can not tell the difference between chipped wood and chicken scratch. They can even die if they eat too many wood chips.

For your own comfort, make sure the eggs are easy to collect. You will be coming to the coop every day or so; make it as easy on yourself as possible. Accessible nests also mean less disturbance for the chickens. Less disturbance means less stress and less stress means more eggs for you. For a box style nest with several nesting areas, a hinged roof is simple and easy to use. If your nesting area is open, it should be easy to reach the back corners from the front for ease of collection.

Your chickens need protection from the elements and from predators. A well made roof to keep out the rain, solid walls to block the wind, some ventilation to keep the air fresh. If you live in snow country, keep a heat lamp or other heat source in the nesting area. Just designing your coop properly can provide a lot of security, but remember that placement is also important. Keep the coop away from high-traffic areas will help your hens feel safe and secure.

Follow these simple instructions and your coop is sure to be a winner. And with safe, comfortable chicken coops, your hens are sure to produce more eggs than you can waggle a wing at!

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