Social Behavior And The Society Finch
In the finch world there is only one sort of finch that’s so sociable that they have been given the name Society Finches. With their nature, they have to be kept in a group so they have the interaction from the other finches.
Often Society Finches are busy-bodies and wish to interrupt those locally that seem to want more privacy during the time when in breeding. This does not reflect aggressive behavior on their part just their nature.
They make great additions to your pet family because of their social activity and behavior and are fun to observe. They are friendly, have an excellent easy going manner are easy to look after and usually not terribly pricey to buy.
While folks are often not actually sure of the origins of this finch, it is generally believed to be about 300 years ago and frequently documented that breeders from Japan And China started this line of finches.
Usually customarily pure white, fawn and white or chocolate and white and when full grown in the range of 4 1/4 to 4 3/4 inches long. Each and every one of this finch family is unique in their appearance. Now and then you will find tri-colored finches, crested finches as well as one colored finches all as part of the Society Finch family. Lots of variety to pick from which makes it more fun.
You’ll need to give them fresh food and fresh water each and every day. They usually like finch seed mix which is typically available. In a different cup they also like chickweed and spinach. To give them the trace minerals they need , you can scatter grit on the base of the cage or put it in another container in the cage. Occasional special gifts for them are choices like egg foods, apples, pears, special mixes of seeds, honey fruits and some kinds of veg.
An additional item they need in their food selections is calcium. This is often provided in items called cuttlebone which also gives them lime for their digestion. The advantages of this nutritional addition are your finch will have a stronger beak, strong eggshells if you choose to breed them and this also prevents egg binding in the female finch.
The most common reasons a Society Finch gets sick is if they’re given a poor diet, if their cage is not kept clean or they could have been somewhere that was drafty and got chilled. All of these things can be forestalled by a good nutritious diet, a warm environment that is kept clean and the size cage that may allow for them to get activity with room for them to fly around the cage.
They love to have baths so provide them with a shallow container of water or give them a bath house so then they can get to it inside their cage.
All of these things really make a contribution to a cheerful healthy Society Finch and many hours of enjoyment for you as their finch parent.
Marjorie J McDonald has published a great book on how to pick out and take care of your finches as your new pets. Selecting and caring for your finches will add a lot to your life.