Taking care of your Dog in Winters

Weather changes affect not just humans but animals as well. So, it is just plain that your dog too is going to be affected by the change in the climate. Though all weather changes call for extra dog care, it is the winter time that needs the most attention for your lovely puppy. Biting cold could give your dog a heavy time and even make him prone to illness. Here are some tips which will help you take care of your dog in winters.

The cold breeze of winter is something which everyone wants to avoid. While the humans can wear wool, dogs have been gifted with a fur. However as deep winter sets in, this fur coat might not be enough. This is the time when you must either keep the dog indoors or make a provision for a proper dog house.If you can arrange for the dog house to be heated, sop much the better, if not do make sure that its in good shape and is not in the way of breeze.

Your dog could also require protective clothing particularly if they are tiny or have little or no fur. Breeds like Chihuahuas, Whippets and Grey Hounds require more warm clothes then their more furry counterparts. In such cases, get your pet a nice warm jacket or a sweater to keep the chill out.

Dog booties are also available to further protect your friend from the cold. However, they may not be the most comfortable of dog apparel available. The booties defend your dog’s feet while concurrently providing for better grip so that he does not trip on the ice. With Velcro taping, you can buy the booties in a variety of shades which add glamour to your pooch’s persona.

Another thing you need to grasp is that dogs need regular walks and it is clear that they walk on the sideways. The snow in the sidewalks is removed using different chemicals. These chemicals come in direct contact with your dog’s feet and body. The result is that its paws might become dry and distressing. Dog boots would protect from this possibility as well.

Arthritis is one condition which worsens over the course of the winters. So if your pet suffers from arthritis, try not take him outside for a walk in the cold. Make sure he’s warm at every point and provide satisfactory protective clothing. Also use the delicate touch with your dog during this season. Brash moves during playtime may result in doggy injuries.

Your dog deserves care all round the year. But, the necessity for this care and attention increases significantly during the winter season. Try these tips and you’ll be ready to look after your pooch in a miles better manner.

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