There Are Some Good Tips For Feeding Goldfish As Pet

A good way to measure the quantity is to calculate how much food one can consume in less than three minutes. If it takes them longer to eat the amount you give them, it means you are feeding them too much. Be wary that even goldfish can die from overfeeding as too much food can rupture their small stomachs.

The tail fin of the comet goldfish is one of the longest among all of the goldfish types, the tails are almost as long as the main body of the goldfish itself; it is really impressive to see an adult comet goldfish that is almost a foot in length with a graceful tail that is almost the same length or even longer. The coloration is also different in this goldfish, instead of the gold and white metallic colors found in common goldfish; the shubunkin has a combination of metallic and transparent scales of different colors, which is why the shubunkin is also called the calico. Some pet owners might not be aware of this, but one of the illnesses that these fish might suffer from causes them to float. If your pet is currently experiencing this, do not be worried. Buy a fish net from pet shops so you can easily scoop out the small bits of leftovers. Remember that if excess fish food is left out to float around inside the tank, there is the possibility that the water’s ammonia level will increase to a point where it can kill your fish.

An old-fashioned cure involves adding salt to the water. There are also certain products available in the pet shops that can help your fish. Hope to watch some videos about how to feed the goldfish, please use siamese cable or 16 channel dvr to record the process and to share with us in internet, they are good helpers in cameras systems.

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