Tips For Beating Stress!

Today, due to the economic climate it seems that more people are under deeper stress than before.  Life is definitely tough sometimes but with the US unemployment rate at or over ten percent, many believe the true number is higher, individual stress levels appear to be increasing.

So, what are some simple things we can do to alleviate stress? These may be obvious, but sometimes a little reminder is helpful.

1. Listen to your favorite music

2. There are alpha wave attunement CDs that allow your mind to move into an alpha wave state – also known as ‘relaxed alertness’.

3. Meditation – The most powerful and relaxing set of meditative exercises I know of are from Falun Dafa to be found for free at

4. Take time to quietly sit and think of nothing in particular – this is close to, but not as good as the meditation mentioned above. 

Another thing to be conerned about during times of higher stress is yor oral health.  Stress is a contributing / risk factor for gum disease.

To help counter act this use an oral irrigator like the hydrofloss.

Gum disease is a big problem anyway, and people need to know what they can do about this silent epidemic that may afflict up to 75% of all people according to statistics.  Some say the numbers are even higher.

Take a look at the special mouthwash made by a company called therabreath.

Finally, some people prefer a more natural approach to fighting oral health problems.  In that case, there is an essential oil blend known as oramd that you may find helpful. 

When stress levels are high, it is much easier for verbal and even physical conflicts to occur between people. Now is the time, more than ever, to keep a cool head and be kind, forgiving and compassionate to our fellow man.  As high as our personal stress level may be, remember your neighbor’s could be even higher. 

Forgive and forget and move on.

Finally, reward yourself by watching a cool, exciting and yet relaxing show called Shen Yun :

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