Tricks To Stop Your Dog’s Digging

Dogs exhibit many behaviors that might make their masters anxious. They may run away, yap ceaselessly, defecate the inside of your home or chew on anything they can get their teeth on. A lot of these issues are preventable with necessary dog training from the start of your dog’s puppy days. The right training necessitates that the owner is unswerving when it comes to rewarding their dog for good performance or punishing them for bad behaviors. A very simple way to correct the dog’s behavior is to give attention when they are exhibiting good behavior and ignoring them when the exhibit bad behavior.  Dogs are very motivated by their owner’s attention.  One more issue that is common with dogs is the act of digging.

The Causes & Resolutions

It is best if the owner of the dog considers the reason why the dog may be digging.  There can be several causes and determining why your dog digs is the key to stopping the behavior. Some dogs really like to dig. Dogs sometimes dig when they need to be exercised more and have more time for playing. Other dogs might be looking for a way to get out of the yard in order to find a mate if they aren’t fixed. It could be that some find delight by digging in recently turned soil or soil that has received a manure supplement. Some dogs dig in order to hide treats or food.  Other dogs, as a product of their breed, are known for digging.  Some other dogs enjoy creating a den to lie down in and this is why they dig.  

One of the keys to stopping this behavior and stop your dogs from digging is to make sure you play with them and give them adequate opportunities to exercise. In spite of the old adage, dogs can and do learn new tricks. A disinterested canine is often also a ruinous one, therefore a pet that has plentiful opportunities for physical exertion and exposure to novel experiences is less likely to destroy items in their paths.

An alternative method you could use to stop your dog from digging would be to shy away from giving him chew bones, which he may want to bury in the yard. Rather, snacks ought to be easily and quickly edible, leaving no remnants for the dog to store under the soil. Another strategy is to conceal filled balloons in the soil patches most frequently visited by the digging dog, such that the next time he attempts to burrow, a balloon will pop, frighten the hound, providing a sort of scolding that may serve to prevent a recurrence of the behavior. Canines fond of digging should always be watched while outside. Like so, if your dog goes to start digging, you could use a squirt gun to stun them or spray water on them with a hose to prevent your dog from digging again in the future.

If you would like to find good advices, take a look at: keep dogs from digging



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