What to Look for in Professional Pet Grooming

Billions of dollars are spent in this country each year on our pets. This not only involves pet food, accessories, toys and luxury items, it also includes grooming. The health of your pet is essential and finding a trustworthy and well known grooming service to supply your pet with satisfactory treatment is vital to your pet’s wellness.

Professional pet grooming services need to present your pet with a comforting grooming event that is as calming as possible. Pets going in to be groomed for the first time might be uneasy and jumpy and to help ease the worry, lots of salons make use of videos and music as a means to make the atmosphere more pet friendly and to put the pet at ease.

The service that is offered should involve brushing and combing of the coat, removing mats and tangles from the coat, bathing and conditioning the coat, cleaning of the ears and nail trimming. There may be add-ons that can be included for instance aromatic shampoo, conditioner and soap but ensure you have consulted with your vet with regard to any allergies your animal might have before using these sorts of items.

Look into the prices for grooming and make certain of what is included in the cost of the service. Pets grooming can be expensive depending on the manner in which the company structures their charges. Make certain to inquire beforehand how the price is decided and whether it’s by the size of the animal or the condition of its fur. Animals that have widespread matting and tangling of the fur and call for extra time can have an added charge to the standard grooming fee. Make sure to examine your animal prior to leaving to make certain you didn’t pay for mat removal and that there are no mats buried underneath the long fur of the animal’s coat.

If you have a pet with severe matting, let the pros address the problem and do not attempt to cut out the mats from your pet yourself unless you are a skilled groomer. The added price is worth it to know your pet will not accidentally be cut and caused unnecessary discomfort due to your inexperience. In some instances, it’s not merely essential but better that the animal be shaved so new hair can grow as opposed to subjecting them to a lengthy clipping session particularly if your animal doesn’t have a tolerant temperament.

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