Ya-Online-Juegos.com – Simple Prevention Steps – Urinary Problems in Cats

Resource Author Francisco Rodriguez H.
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Hairless cats, such as the Sphynx breed, do have a small amount of hair similar to the fuzz on a peach, but lack the usual massive quantities of hair, and appear bald from a distance. Many owners have found that they are affectionate, love to snuggle and stay close. And the reduced quantity of hair does reduce the number of overall pollutants in the air. But if you are thinking this breed of cat will relieve cat allergy symptoms, here are 5 things you should consider before adopting a hairless cat as a feline allergy solution.

Hair is not generally an allergen. While airborne cat hair can be a real nuisance, and constantly breathing large amounts is certainly not recommended, the allergen that cats produce is a protein called Feline d1. This is produced by glands in the skin and is found in your cat’s dander, urine, and saliva. Cat hair is often only one means of transporting this allergen rather than the source of it.

The Fel d1 allergen is hardy and remains active for long periods of time. It can and does also attach to common airborne household pollutants found in the cleanest of homes such as household dust, dander (which is produced by all warm blooded pets-even hairless ones), bacteria, and viruses to name a few.

The lack of hair brings you closer to the allergen. Since the protein is secreted from the skin (the sebaceous gland), cat hair usually serves as a barrier. This is not true with a hairless cat. So you actually closer to the problem than you would be with a cat that has hair.

 Powerful Herbal Extracts

You can also give your cat a natural remedy that targets urinary tract infections in animals. These remedies contain herbal extracts like Cantharis and Uva Ursi that restore the proper pH to your cat’s bladder so it can heal. These gentle remedies don’t have the harsh side effects of prescription medications and steroids. Since they are mild, they can also be used as a daily routine to prevent urinary problems in cats.

There is no guarantee that a particular hairless cat will solve your allergy problem. Each cat, regardless of breed, is individual in the amount of this protein it produces. The only way to find out if the cat you’re interested in will help is to live with it for a while. It can be a painful discovery for both you and the cat to make a space for it in your life only to find that your allergies will not allow you to keep it.

Because they are so affectionate and enjoy cuddling, you are likely to receive more licks, and kisses. When the saliva dries, it can easily flake off and become airborne causing problems for those who suffer with allergies and allergic asthma

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