Tidy Up Your Rabbit Hutch In 5 Easy Ways

Cleaning your Rabbit Hutch in 5 Stress-Free Steps

It has been mentioned several times already that rabbits are pretty low-maintenance pets.You need not feed them every single hour.They also settle for 2-3 cups of vegetables, or even grass and hay will do.You don’t even have to give them a bath all the time because they can clean themselves up.

However, they still are your pets and they need your time and attention.

It is important to keep their surroundings clean whether their rabbit hutch is situated indoor or outdoor.This can help prevent the spread of some possible diseases.The following are easy cleaning steps for rabbit hutches.

1.First, transfer your furry friends to another place before cleaning their rabbit hutch.Wire cages or wooden boxes and crates will be alright for temporary housing.

2. Take away all accessories found inside your rabbit hutch.]Layers of newspapers on the floor should be taken out.Also remove the bedding, feeding bowls and water bottles during the clean-up.

3.You can use any kind of disinfectant.It’s alright to use only soap and water but in order to eliminate odors completely from the rabbit hutch, using vinegar is recommended.Walls and floors should be scrubbed thoroughly.Some fills a bowl with vinegar and place it inside the hutch to absorb the odors.

4. Put everything back in place if you think the rabbit hutch is now clean enough.Start with a layer of newspapers on the floor.

5. You can also give your bunny a bath before placing them back in.This may get them sick, though so it’s not recommended at all.They have very sensitive skin and fur so extra care is needed.

Cleaning rabbit hutches may be done every week, if you have time.If one of your bunnies is sick, make sure you isolate that rabbit and clean the spot well.Here are a few ways to keep your rabbit hutch clean.

1. It is strongly recommended to line the floor with layers of newspapers no matter what it is made of. Rabbits tend to defecate everywhere.If the area is lined, you basically just have to take the newspapers and replace it with a new one daily.

2. You can also sprinkle some kitty litter under the newspapers.This is a great help in absorbing feces and urine smell.

3. As much as possible, change their bedding often.Their wastes might be all over the rabbit hutch already.Waste can often cause diarrhea and other diseases.

Rabbits do not really need your help in terms of cleanliness.However, these animals are so cute that children will want to carry them around a lot.If you want your kids to be safe, you need to keep the bunnies healthy too.

Christopher Lunsford is a pet lover. He shares his tips and information on rabbit hutch and caring for rabbit hutches. For more resources, please follow the links.

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